Last published: 13 Mars 2004 Home Page | SourceForge Project Page | Browse CVS | French Mirror Accueil

Install OGC


OGCoding will run on any platform where there is a suitable Java 2 runtime environment . You have to make sure tools.jar from JDK's lib directory is on your classpath, and that you are using Jakarta Ant 1.5 or higher (OGCoding does not support previous versions).
OGCoding has been used successfully on many platforms, including Windows NT/2k and XP.
Starting from OGCoding, JDK 1.4 is required to run (and build) OGCoding. However, the generated sources are still compilable on JDK 1.3 environments.

Download section


The latest stable binaries version of OGCoding is available from the SourceForge download page.


The latest stable sources version of OGCoding is available from the SourceForge download page.


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Follow the instructions explained here to configure your client.

© 2004, OGC Team