Last published: 13 Mars 2004 Home Page | SourceForge Project Page | Browse CVS | French Mirror Accueil

What is OGC ?

OGC is (today) a code generation concept for WEB Applications using database. It enables generate WEB Application in any Technolgy (Java Struts, PHP...) using any database (supported by the technology and JDBC).

OGC is based on :

  1. Ant to define targets of deployement (files, initialize WEB Application) ant targets of generation (creation or updating of files). These targets depends on the technology chosen.
  2. JDBC to connect to database and get metadata of database.
  3. Velocity to generate or update files. The Velocity context come from XML Files and Properties Files. It is merged whith template velocity (.vm),
  4. JDOM to load XML files and put it into Velocity context. XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document. It is used into Velocity template to acces quickly into node XML. It used too when generation must update XML files.



© 2004, OGC Team